July 2024: How’s Hanna?

An update on Hanna's health, her new children's book, and the state of finances for Hanna's care

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Video: CareForce at the Variety Show

A short update on "How's Hanna?" followed by a video of members of CareForce on stage at the Polish Hill (our neighborhood) Variety Show.

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Photo gallery: an evening of singing together for Hanna's "May birthday" on the 17th.

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May 2024: Request for donations

New needs, and a new fundraising campaign.

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Seeking a compassionate caregiver

Here is a job description for a full-time caregiver for Hanna in Pittsburgh, starting as soon as you're available! Please pass this on to anyone you think might be right.

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February 2024: How’s Hanna?

An update on Hanna's health, finances, and experience. Life with a feeding tube, shoulder pain, and progressing symptoms, along with writing, baby chicks, and endless generosity of care.

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Birthday song: community magic

On Hanna's birthday, in the cold clear winter night, a group of people gathered under Hanna's balcony for a serenade.

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Update from South Africa

Hanna shares rich impressions and reflections from her time in South Africa. Marc adds wise-cracks. At the end we describe some of the ways in which Hanna's symptoms are progressing.

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Update: Back pain, South Africa, and tadpoles

As ALS weakens her core strength, Hanna increasingly has to cope with back pain (along with other progressive symptoms). Meanwhile she is in South Africa with dear family and all the joys of home. Her experience continues to mix this joy of life with physical difficulty and the anguish of loss. Eish! (as they say in South Africa)

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Delta air miles to help Hanna?

We seek donations of air miles with Delta Airlines or one of its partner airlines, to accommodate Hanna's excruciating back problems as she returns to the US from South Africa.

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