What you need to know aboutHanna’s Living End-of-Life Celebration

Sunday October 6, 2024

See the recorded livestream of the celebration

Celebration Video & Links

What is this event?

Well essentially, a Living End of Life Celebration is a funeral/memorial service for someone who is aware they’re living their final days/weeks/months. Like Hanna whose respiratory-onset ALS is progressing constantly and is terminal. A living funeral is a unique celebration of life and a chance to say/write/share things that you would usually share AFTER someone passes away.

We’re so lucky that Hanna is still very much ALIVE. In Hanna’s words, “One of the perks of being on the slow death safari is that you can attend your own funeral. I feel grateful to still be here. I am excited to celebrate the precious time we could spend together, and mourn that I am leaving so soon.”

Things to know if you're attending in person

Please take a COVID test the morning of the event
If you are the slightest bit sick with a cold or other illness (especially anything respiratory), please participate virtually. We want to keep Hanna breathing as long as she possibly can and keep her direct care workers well so she has the care she needs.

Wear a mask during the whole event
We’ll have extras available at the event, but perhaps you want to decorate your mask before you arrive. (Variety show participants – it’s ok if you take your mask off during your performance.)

What to wear
Hanna says, “traditional funeral with a twist!” Wear a festive hat or choose one at the door. Mostly, wear anything that you will feel comfortable in.

Food: potluck snacks, not a meal
We’ll have a snack table, and we’ll ask people to eat and drink outdoors. Potluck contributions to the snack table are encouraged and welcome. Don’t expect a full meal!

We’ll have support for big emotions
A few people at the event, mostly therapist folks, will be present to hold space for big emotions.

A place for kids
We’ll have a place and activities for kids (and anyone), staffed throughout the event.

Things for EVERYONE to know

If performing in the variety show is not your thing, there are other ways to send your creativity to Hanna
You are heartily invited to communicate more directly to Hanna—write or draw something before or during the event, bring a photo, a piece of art or a meaningful object, make a video, bring a poem or quote that resonates, anything! Your creativity is welcome.

You can send writings or other media by email to careforce@gmail.com
or you can submitting them by adding them to the Google folder HERE.
(These messages will NOT be shared live the day of the event. We’ll make sure Hanna sees them after.)

Hanna has invited anyone to write a letter to someone who has died.
She said, “When it’s time for me to go, whenever that is, your letters will be tucked into pockets in my shroud. It will be a comfort to know your blessings go with me and that your people (some of whom are also my people) will be there to welcome me on the landing.” We will have writing materials.

There will also be opportunities at the celebration to share your insight about care, learn to wrap a shroud for green burial, make art, and be close to friends and strangers in a moment of grief and joy.

It’s going to be a unique and meaningful day. We hope you can join us.

– The celebration team

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