How can I help?

There are many ways to help, however near or far away you live.


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Financial help

Contribute to a fund for Hanna’s care, medical, and transportation needs

We seek donations to help pay for Hanna’s needs beyond what’s available through insurance and government programs.

Paid caregivers: Hanna needs qualified care at all hours, and her needs are exceeding what her loving community can reliably provide. We will be hiring two paid caregivers as soon as possible. Including fees and payroll tax, that comes to $9,700 per month.

Transportation: Hanna needs reliable access to transportation. We’ve found a van that can accommodate her electric chair. A three-month rental is $9500. We’ll start with that, then assess the value of extending another three.

Use the buttons below to contribute to Hanna financially. We especially value monthly recurring donations, as this helps us plan and manage our monthly costs. 

The full amount of all donations will go to Hanna.

Questions about this? Email Marc Rettig.

Quick donation shortcut

A quick pop-up form, if that’s all you need.

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Hanna's Care on GiveButter

A quick pop-up form, if that’s all you need.

Deliver a meal, pay for groceries or a meal

It’s essential that Hanna keeps up her nutrition, and the caregivers need to eat too! In the intensity of attending to care, it is difficult to find time to prepare food. So your gift of food is a tremendous boost for both Hanna and the team. Using the GiveInKind site, you can sign up to deliver a meal to Hanna, or buy her a gift card for groceries or meal delivery. This is really helpful help!

Food sign-up & gift cards on GiveInKind