How's Hanna doing? What's she saying? Anything I can do?
Hanna has an encounter
A place for Hanna to communicate with family and friends as she learns to live with ALS.
How's Hanna doing?
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Latest update
November 28, 2024
Event December 9! Hanna & guests—”Life in Unraveling”
A *very* special event on December 9 (in Pittsburgh and via livestream), to celebrate Hanna's book and to hear an amazing group of authors gladly engage with difficult questions.
Want to help?
There are many ways to help, whether you live near or far.
Purchase or deliver a meal or groceries
Contribute to a fund for medical and caregiving expenses
See the “Ways to Help” page for more details.
Hanna's writing
Hanna has been writing about gratitude and grief, including reflections on this “encounter.” Here are her most recent posts.