16 December 2022
Good morning dear people,
How are you all today as this year comes to a close?
I had a good meeting with the neurologist yesterday and they suspect I have Myasthenia Gravis, a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disorder. I am helped by knowing there is a possible diagnoses. Next steps are a slew of tests, scans and muscle studies to confirm and gain more insight.
After the call with the neurologist, Marc said it sounds like a Harry Potter spell and immediately made this picture:

Which made me laugh. I need to laugh now, I feel exhausted by this week and when I think future, I feel many other things. I woke up wishing I didn’t have to move and fearful that I’ll over do it and hurt my back/get ill again. And then I saw all your names on the list and received your messages and now I feel more hopeful. Thank you — and for those of you that has a cold / flue / covid — sending so many healing energy to you!
x Hanna